Starfinder: Soccer for Social Change, Leadership Beyond the Game

This project was a report for a nonprofit mentoring Philadelphia’s underserved young people through soccer programming. My role was to reshape existing copy and provide additional content, resulting in a more polished final draft.

At a glance:

We believe soccer can change the world.

Starfinder harnesses the universal language of the world’s premier sport to inspire social change and transform young lives in Philadelphia's underserved communities.

Since our humble beginnings in 2002, we have evolved into an internationally recognized, award-winning provider of year-round programming for students of all ages. We have served over 11,000 children, teens, and young adults across the metro, taking the time to tap into each individual's strengths and discover their unique star power.

To achieve the highest level of impact, our programs focus on four essential components:

1) Sustained relationships: We emphasize building long-term relationships with peers to ensure the development of deep connections and leadership skills. Our tiered mentoring model allows participants to transition into leadership roles. Alumni often become Coach Mentors in our high school program, and our teens serve as Coach Interns in our younger programs.

2) High quality programming: Our philosophy draws from the best practices in positive youth development and trauma-informed care. Every facet of our programming is carefully designed to support students’ development into healthy, confident agents of success.

3) Tight-knit community: Starfinder's principal aim is to create a safe, inclusive, and welcoming community. Our facility is more than just a central hub for in-house and neighborhood-based programs; it is a second home for many of our kids—a space where they feel valued and heard.

4) City-wide access: Cost plays a major role in youth sports access. In 2018, only 22% of kids in households with annual incomes under $25,000 played sports on a regular basis, compared to 43% of those from homes earning more than $100,000. Starfinder’s low- and no-cost programs eliminate that barrier, creating opportunities for all kids to reap the benefits of playing the world's most popular sport.

Girls in the Game

At Starfinder, we know girls' participation in sports drops significantly after elementary school, with only 11% of high school girls staying active in sports. This number is even smaller for low-income girls of color, which is why we are intentional about inclusive programming for every gender.

This year, 50% of participants in our Senior Leaders Program were girls. Pro players Juan Mata (Manchester United) and Alberto Prada Vega (SK Vorwarts Steyr) also made generous donations in support of our girls programming. A huge thanks to these athletes for sharing the commitment to gender equality.