Sukhothai and Jungle Treks

A night train in Thailand goes roughly 40 miles per hour all night before you reach your destination. You aren’t on a night train for efficiency.

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Amsterdam, Salisbury, and Teffont

Sprinting across Bristol’s cobblestoned streets with a wheeled suitcase at 4:00 a.m. is one way to earn a reputation with the neighbors. I did, however, catch the bus to the airport.

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Americans in Bristol

My dad and I waited with blank, jet-lagged stares at the Bristol bus station for Helen and Mike to arrive, complete strangers from the local church who were hosting us for the week.

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The Road Trip

I-40 West: Somewhere between Amarillo and Albuquerque. The seatbelt rubs uncomfortably against my collarbone. I sling it behind my shoulder like I used to do as a child. The passenger is not amused and takes the opportunity to educate me on grim road death statistics.


Solo at the Cinema

The pub on the harborside bustles with activity. A group of bearded men erupt in laughter as they order another round at the bar. I’ve just claimed my free ticket to the screening of Oscar-nominated short films with reward points. I order a black coffee and chunky chips, settle at a corner table by the window and wait for showtime.

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Jiggery Pokeries

Just as I was beginning to feel confident as a First Bus regular, I thrust my arm into the road to flag down the X39 only to ram it into some poor man’s jugular.

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