The Link Between Autism and
Virtual Music Therapy

This project was part of a series for a nonprofit serving populations with special needs through creative art therapies and social robotics. My role was to produce original stories that would further the organization’s mission and drive website engagement.

At a glance:

Schools across the nation are closing once again due to a spike in COVID cases, requiring millions of students to resume studies virtually. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often face a unique set of challenges in home-based learning environments, but telehealth resources including virtual music activities have proven to be excellent therapeutic tools.

The link between ASD and music dates back to some of the earliest descriptions of individuals with Autism, when many were described as having perfect pitch. Claims began to circulate that music could have an overwhelmingly positive impact on those with ASD, but with little conclusive evidence. Then, a 2018 study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal and the University of McGill became the first clinical trial to suggest that music intervention for children with ASD improves both brain connectivity and communication.

Researchers enlisted 51 children between the ages of 6-12 with ASD to participate in a trial focused on music intervention. The subjects were randomly assigned to two different groups: one involving music therapy activities and one not. Parents of children in the music group reported a significant improvement in their child’s communication skills and quality of family life, well beyond those reported for the control group.

Aparna Nadig, co-author of the study and associate professor at McGill’s School of Communication Sciences and Disorders commented on the study's results: "The universal appeal of music makes it globally applicable, and [it] can be implemented with relatively few resources on a large scale in multiple settings such as home and school.”

As the pandemic continues to transform society, music therapists have turned to telehealth solutions. Katie Schripsesma, a therapist at the Children’s Therapy Center in Washington state incorporates “Music Monday Videos” on the center’s website to keep children engaged:

"Therapy looks a lot like play...I like to do body awareness songs [with] tactile inputs that alert the brain to different parts of the body—head, shoulders, knees and toes, for example. Music can be a really good influence in getting speech and communication going as kids listen to words and sing along.”

Virtual music therapy activities for children with ASD have also been shown to bypass cognitive and language impairments, helping them develop communication skills and form social relationships. Movement to music is often an essential part of music therapy sessions, and since the pandemic has forced us to turn to the Internet for both work and social engagement, parents and students can take advantage of free resources from companies such as GoNoodle, which provide movement-based music videos ranging from short three-minute dances to longer compilations.

At Fine Art Miracles, we are proud to offer virtual music therapy activities for both groups and individuals, facilitated by board-certified music therapists. Our music therapy sessions are designed to promote group members’ creativity, strengthen relationships with peers, and maintain and build upon cognitive capacity.

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